5.16 Highway Route (#781 - 2): 74 times at 10 - 15-minute interval
Time: 06:25 - 22:05
Coverage: Stop at JIU on the route to and from Seogwipo and Jeju
#11, 43, 37, 55, 500, 502
Local/Intercity Bus
Jeju City Hall ↔ Court ↔ (Former) Mokseogwon ↔ Jeju National University ↔ Sancheondan ↔ Jeju International University
Address: Postal Code) 690-714; 2870 (Yeongpyeong-dong) 516-ro Jeju-si, Jeju
Telephone/FAX: TEL) 064-754-0227~8 / FAX) 064-702-8330